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My email is sent back with an error

Fix bounced or rejected emails

"The email account that you tried to reach..."

If you get this error, your recipient's address might not work or exist anymore.

  1. Check for these common mistakes in the email address you're sending to:     
    • Quotation marks
    • Dots at the end of the address
    • Spaces before or after an address
    • Spelling errors
  2. Search your contacts for a different address the same person uses

Other errors

"Message flagged as spam" or "Message temporarily rejected"

Why your message bounced

What you can do

"Recipient server did not accept our requests"

Why your message bounced

You'll see this error message if Gmail isn't able to connect to the email server of your email's recipient.

What you can do

The problem usually goes away quickly without you doing anything. Try sending the email again later.

If you keep getting the error:

If you got this error while emailing someone at your work, school, or other organization, contact your Administrator.